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Quien Reina el Mundo ?

El fútbol político se ha vuelto muy entretenido estos días. Con el uso generalizado de las redes sociales bajo la cuadratura Urano/Plutón entre 2011 y 2015, incluso los pronunciamientos políticos más escandalosos crean una enorme respuesta en Facebook y Twitter, brindando a los políticos la esperanza de fama, infamia o ambas instantáneas. Cuanto más escandalosa […]

Astro-Economics Ciclos

Esta cita es una descripción poética de la naturaleza cíclica de la evolución humana. Pero ¿cuáles son estos ciclos de la historia? ¿Cuánto tiempo duran? ¿Qué ciclo estamos viviendo ahora y qué deberíamos esperar en el futuro? Los artículos disponibles en pueden responder estas preguntas. Estos artículos resumen mis 12 años de investigación sobre […]


Twilight of the Gods is a Scandinavian myth immortalized by Wagner that depicts a war between the Northern Gods and Giants in which the Gods perished. Nothing is eternal under the sky, and even the Gods who had ruled the world for thousands of years were still mortal.  Explosive Growth In our time, the all-powerful Information […]

Biden or Trump?

”…stressful planetary aspects during the election year shown on Chart 16 will make his (Trump’s) re-election highly unlikely.” This is what I wrote in my book, Impeachment or Not: Future of Trump’s Presidency, published in 2017. Indeed, he lost. Half of the voters disagree saying that the election was fraudulent. Then Trump lost in a fraudulent election, but lose he […]

Globalists vs Deplorables

The 2020 election, the most scandalous and contentious in the U.S. history, is a culmination of the Cold Civil War that began with Trump’s impeachment in December 2019. This occurred when Eris, a newly discovered planet that stands for revolutions and civil unrests, and Pluto, which stands for death and destruction, both formed stressful aspects […]

American Second Civil War?

In the last several months, several articles appeared in reputable media outlets about a possibility, of the Second Civil War in the U.S. These articles were echoed by high profile politicians and academics from both sides of the political divide. Ordinary Americans also share this sentiment. A poll conducted last June by Rasmussen Reports found […]

Will President Trump Recover from Coronavirus?

On October 1, 2020, Trump tested positive for the Coronavirus. Will he recover fast enough to repeat the miracle of 2016 in 2020 and “Make America Great Again” for four more years? Will the most admired and at the same time most hated president in the U.S. history besides Lincoln survive this “Chinese Plague?”  The […]

Coronavirus Vaccines and Treatments: Astrological Forecast

The number of cases in the U.S. will be rising until mid-November due to Saturn and Pluto orbiting close to their conjunction in September-October, and Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in mid-November of 2020. After mid-November, the pandemic will start winding down and practically end by April 2021. To read more, log on Coronavirus Pandemic: Astrological Forecast for the […]

Coronavirus Conspiracies

Since the start of the pandemic, many conspiracy theories have been circulating on the web accusing a few prestigious institutions, such as Johns Hopkins University, and some famous people, including Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci, of manufacturing the coronavirus. I do not know for sure if such theories are correct or not. Nevertheless, from my […]

Coronavirus Pandemic: Astrological Forecast for the U.S.

This post may appear too technical to many of the readers unfamiliar with astrology. If this is your case, glance through the whole text and pay attention to the italics. From the end of July through the beginning of August 2020, the number of the daily new cases is likely to decline slightly. From the second […]

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