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June 2017 Update

Five months have passed since my last newsletter, entitled The Most Scandalous Presidency Ever, expressed my view from the high cliffs of Los Acantilados, Mar Del Plata, Argentina on political events taking place in the U.S. I have been back to the U.S. in the midst of things since March 24th, but my forecast of […]

Stock Market in 2017-21

As of the time of this writing on April 23, 2017, the Trump rally in stocks seems to be over. Unfortunately for investors and traders, the Dow descend from the all time high on March 1 signifies not only the end of this rally but also the end of one of the longest Bull Markets […]

Post Election Syndrom

How to cope with post election blues and rages? To some, Trump’s election brought a sense of despair and of inevitable doom, while others became so enraged by the outcome that they took part in violent protests against what they perceived to be America’s slide into a fascist dictatorship. If either of these responses is […]

July 2016 Update

U.S. Presidential Election in 2016 From the very founding of the United States, there has always been a correlation between our presidential elections and the movements of the planets. At the time of the next presidential election on November 8, 2016, Uranus and Neptune will be in semi-square (45°) and will remain in this semi-square […]


The situation with Brexit is somewhat similar to what took place under similar aspects between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto about 493 years (one Neptune/Pluto cycle) ago. In the 1520s under aspects similar to the period 2000-16, about half of Europe, including Spain, was unified as the Holy Roman Empire. By 1522, this superpower also conquered […]

U.S. Presidential Election in 2016

From the very founding of the United States, there has always been a correlation between our presidential elections and movements of the planets; and every president, his personal character, his policy and the duration of his presidency, corresponded to specific planetary aspects formed by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto during his election and presidency. At the […]

March 2016 update

ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST FOR 2016 As I have written previously, a new Era of Globalization began in November 1989. This era will last for more than eight centuries and will be marked by peaceful coexistence of world superpowers, economic prosperity and technological advances never seen in history. Devastating wars similar to those raged in the previous […]

July 2015 Update

ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST FOR 2016 As I have written previously, a new Era of Globalization began in November 1989. This era will last for more than eight centuries and will be marked by peaceful coexistence of world superpowers, economic prosperity and technological advances never seen in history. Devastating wars similar to those raged in the previous […]

Wars in 21st Century

On September 11, 1990, President Bush Senior announced the beginning of the New World Order of peaceful resolution of international conflicts, rapid scientific and technological progress and worldwide economic prosperity. His declaration was not accidental. It nearly coincided with two spectacular cosmic phenomena, Pluto perihelion in 1989 and Uranus/Neptune conjunction in 1991-94 marking the beginning […]

World Economy in the 21st Century

On September 11, 1990, President Bush Senior announced the beginning of the New World Order of peaceful resolution of international conflicts, rapid scientific and technological progress and worldwide economic prosperity. His declaration was not accidental. It nearly coincided with two spectacular cosmic phenomena, Pluto perihelion in 1989 and Uranus/Neptune conjunction in 1991-94 marking the beginning […]

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