Coronavirus Pandemic: Astrological Forecast for the U.S.

This post may appear too technical to many of the readers unfamiliar with astrology. If this is your case, glance through the whole text and pay attention to the italics.

From the end of July through the beginning of August 2020, the number of the daily new cases is likely to decline slightly.

From the second week of August through September 2020, the number of the daily new cases is likely to rise. Fortunately, this rise will be slow. 

From October through mid-November 2020, the number of the daily new cases will continue rising, and the final peak will be reached on November 15 or 16. 

From mid-November through December 2020, the number of the daily new cases will decline rapidly, and it will appear that the end of the pandemic will be near.

In January-February 2021, the number of the daily new cases will rise again, and the last peak will be reached in mid-February 2021. Fortunately, the number of daily new cases will be much lower than in mid-November.

2021-23: By April 2021, the pandemic in the U.S. will be essentially over. Unfortunately, it may re-emerge from time to time through November 2023. Fortunately, it will not reemerge as a pandemic, but as an epidemic, no more dangerous than a common flue easily controlled by prevention and treatment. 


Even though the number of cases in the U.S. will be rising until mid-November, the number of deaths will continue declining due to various treatment already found. More and better treatments as well as vaccines will be found and rapidly implemented as early as in December. To read more log on Coronavirus Vaccines and Treatment: An Astrological Forecast to be posted in a few days.

How I Came up to These Conclusions

I conducted 2-month research focused on the relationship between planetary movements and pandemics which occurred since 1200 B.C. As a result, I developed an Astrological formula of Coronavirus Pandemic. So far, the course of this pandemic in the in the U.S. has followed this formula with mathematical precision.

Astrological Formula of Coronavirus Pandemic for the U.S.

Pa(US)=U/N(7/22)+ J/S/P(23/27)

Pa(US) stands for the number of new cases of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S., U—for Uranus, N—for Neptune, J—for Jupiter, S—for Saturn and P—for Pluto. U/N is an abbreviation for Uranus/Neptune semi-square (45° between these planets), J/S/P—Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunctions (0° between these planets). U/N(7/22) stands for Uranus/Neptune semi-square taking place with Uranus at or close to 7° of Taurus and Neptune at or close to 22° of Pisces. J/S/P(23/27) symbolizes the conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto during which at least one of these planets is either at or close to 23° or 27° of Capricorn. Whenever Uranus transits through 7° of Taurus, Neptune—22° of Pisces, and Jupiter, Saturn and/or Pluto are in or close to 23° or 27° of Capricorn, they negatively affect more than half of the planets in the U.S. chart as well as the U.S. Ascendant and the Nodes. In 2020, such transits of these five slow-moving planets have correlated with the number of the daily new cases in the U.S.

From January through May 2020

The first cases in the U.S. were registered at the end of January 2020, when Saturn/Pluto conjunction formed exact semi-square to the U.S. Ascendant. Both Saturn and Pluto were close to 23° of Capricorn at the time.

In March, Jupiter began to approach its conjunction to Pluto. When both Jupiter and Pluto were close to 23° Capricorn, the rate of infection dramatically exhilarated. The first peak of the daily new cases was reached on April 24, when the Sun activated Uranus/Neptune semi-square with a conjunction to Uranus, while Mercury activated Jupiter/Pluto conjunction with a square to Pluto. As both Jupiter and Saturn become stationary in May, the number of daily infections in the U.S. remained stable in that month.

From June through mid-July 2020

In the beginning of June, Jupiter started moving towards its conjunction to Pluto, and this conjunction became exact on June 30 while both planets were in 24° of Capricorn. Due to the influence of this conjunction, the number of the daily new cases have been rising again. Most likely, the peak has been reached on July 16 with the Sun reached 24° Cancer while forming an opposition to Jupiter/Pluto conjunction.

From End of July through Beginning of August 2020

In this periodthe number of the daily new cases is likely to decline slightly with Jupiter in retrograde motion moving away from its conjunction to Pluto, while the positions of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will remain essentially the same as in the first half of July.

From the Second Week of August through September 2020

In this periodthe number of the daily new cases is likely to rise. Fortunately, this rise will be slow. This will occur due to the influence of stationary Mars forming a square to Saturn/Pluto conjunction, while fluctuating between 23° and 27° of Capricorn. Other planetary influences will remain essentially the same as in the previous period.

From October through Mid-November 2020

In this periodthe number of the daily new cases will rise again, and the final peak will be reached in mid-NovemberEven though, the stressful influence of retrograde Mars and Neptune will dissipate in October, they will be replaced by that of Jupiter moving toward its conjunction to Pluto, which will become exact in mid-November with both planets in 23° of Capricorn. Meanwhile, retrograde Uranus will be moving toward 7° of Taurus, and North Node will be close to 22° of Gemini. In November 16 and 17, stressful aspects from Mercury to Uranus and from Venus to Jupiter/Pluto conjunction will mark the all-time high in the daily new cases.

From Mid-November through December 2020

In this periodthe number of the daily new cases will decline rapidly, and it will appear that the end of the pandemic will be nearThis will occur due to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and North Node moving away from the crucial 22° of Pisces and Gemini and 23°-27° of Capricorn.  As a result, their influence on the pandemic will become negligible. Unfortunately, the influence of Pluto and Uranus will remain essentially unchanged in this period and it will keep the infection spreading though at much lower rate.

January-February 2021

The last wave of this pandemic in the U.S. will occur in this period, and the last peak will be reached in mid-February 2021. Fortunately, the number of the daily new cases will be much lower than in NovemberJupiter/Saturn conjunction in square to Uranus with all three in the crucial 7° of Aquarius and Taurus will be responsible for this spike. 


By April 2021, the pandemic in the U.S. will be essentially over. Unfortunately, it may re-emerge from time to time through November 2023. Fortunately, it will not reemerge as a pandemic, but as an epidemic, no more dangerous than a common flu easily controlled by prevention and treatmentPluto in the crucial 27° Capricorn and Neptune in 22° Pisces in 2021-23 will keep this epidemic flaring up from time to time.

On a Positive Note

The coronavirus pandemic started during Saturn/Pluto conjunction, which is the very beginning of the new Saturn/Pluto cycle (2019-53). Such conjunctions always mark dramatic and essentially positive transformations worldwide. In spite of the pandemic—or maybe because of it—this Saturn/Pluto conjunction will renew our world. Our economy, trade, international relations, healthcare, entertainment and travel will never be the same. Instead, they will be better. So, “Do not let this crisis go to waste.” Now, is a great opportunity to make your life anew! To read about how an astrological analysis can help you to change your life, log on to Astrological Consulting.