America and the World in 2014-16 An Astrological Perspective


Financial Astrology. Astro-economic cycles. Mundane Astrology. Investment.
Julius books, 2013, 46 pages. Size 8.5” X 11”


This book summarizes my 12-year research into the relationships between economic and cosmic cycles. It illustrates that the planetary patterns formed by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in 2014-16 will be quite similar to those formed by these planets during all six major economic contractions in the U.S. history after the Civil War, including the Great Depression of 1929-33 and the Great Recession of 2008-09.

Chapter by chapter, the book will show you that another severe economic recession in 2014-16 is unavoidable. In the worst-case scenario, this recession may even develop into a depression lasting through 2021. This economic contraction will be accompanied by a worldwide rise in violence that may even grow into a major war.

You will discover how severe this recession will be and what political and economic changes it will bring. You will also discover what regions of the world will suffer most from the worldwide rise of violence, and how this rise of violence will affect the U.S.

The global political and economic cycles are unstoppable and irreversible, and they cannot be turned sideways. Nevertheless, you can still take actions to modify the course of future events, as well as their outcomes, as long as you work with the world’s developmental trends reflected in the movements of the planets rather than fight against them.

The book has been written for laypersons, and no prior knowledge of astrology is required for its comprehension. However, it may be of interest to professional astrologers as well.



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