Coronavirus Pandemic

As most of the world economies are opening up, will the number of daily new cases rise again? Will there be a new wave? How long will this coronavirus pandemic last? I can answer these questions using the astrological formula of this pandemic, which I created based on my 2-month research of thirty-two pandemics that occurred since 1200 B.C. To read more, log on to Astrological Formula of Coronavirus.

Astrological Formula of Coronavirus: Pa=U/N+J/S/P

Pa stands for the number of daily new cases of the coronavirus pandemic, U—for Uranus, N—for Neptune, J—for Jupiter, S—for Saturn and P—for Pluto. U/N is an abbreviation for Uranus/Neptune semi-square (45° between these planets), J/S/P—for Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunctions (0° between these planets). In plain language, this formula illustrates that the severity of this pandemic depends on the movements of Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. If this formula is correct, the number of daily new cases should increase when Uranus and Neptune approach their semi-square and decrease when they move away from it. The same applies to Jupiter/Saturn, Jupiter/Pluto and Saturn/Pluto conjunctions: the number of daily new cases go up when Jupiter and Saturn approach their conjunctions to Pluto or to each other, and go down when they move away from it. This is exactly what has been taking place since December 2019. To read more, log on to Coronavirus: An Astrological Analysis. Using this formula, I can forecast the course of this pandemic in the future.

Uranus/Neptune Semi-square

In May 2020, Uranus and Neptune began to orbit away from their exact semi-square. However, both Uranus and Neptune will be forming stressful aspects to the Sun, Venus, Mars and Ceres most of June and the in the first half of July. Therefore, the first component of this formula, U/N (Uranus/Neptune semi-square) will be increasing in value until mid-July. By the end of July, Uranus and Neptune will be out of this semi-square. Therefore, the first component of this formula, U/N (Uranus/Neptune semi-square) will be diminishing in value from mid-July and become close to zero from July through mid-October. 

Retrograde Planets

In mid-May, Jupiter and Saturn started moving backwards toward their conjunctions to Pluto. Naturally, this retrograde motion is just an appearance due to the differences in the speed of rotation between the planets and the Earth. This brings us to an unfortunate conclusion: the second component of the astrological formula of the coronavirus, J/S/P (conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) will grow in value until Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in mid-November, and this will keep the infection spreading. 

The Number of Daily New Cases in June-July

The number of daily new cases will slowly rise through mid-July. On or close to July 16, this number will start declining. Here is why:

As discussed above, the influence of Uranus/Neptune semi-square will start diminishing in mid-July, and it will no longer be in effect the beginning of August. At the same time, Jupiter will be moving toward its conjunction to Pluto, which will increase the influence of Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on the number of daily new cases. As a result, this number will be rising in June and the first half of July at the same rate as they did in the second half of May. After Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on June 30, Jupiter will be moving away from this conjunction, and its influence will become close to zero in July and August. As a result, the number of daily new cases will be rapidly diminishing in the second half of July. Unfortunately, the pandemic will not end in August.

The Number of Daily New Cases in August-November

The number of daily new cases will stabilize in August, but this number will be smaller than in June. Unfortunately, the second wave of this pandemic may start at the end of 
August, and the number of daily new cases will be rising through mid-November. Fortunately, this rise will not be as steep as in March-April. Most likely, the highest number of daily new cases will be registered on or close to November 16. Here is why:

Most of the time from August through October, stationary Mars will be forming squares to Jupiter, 
Saturn and Pluto thus triggering Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunctions. This will increase in value the second component of our formula, J/S/P. Fortunately, the first component of this formula, U/N, will be insignificant. As a result, the number of daily new cases will not change much through August and will be much smaller than in June. Meanwhile, in September Saturn will begin moving closer to its conjunction to Pluto, and will remain within 3° off this conjunction through October 2020. At the same time, Jupiter will be approaching its conjunction to Pluto in the beginning of September. This conjunction will become exact in mid-November. Finally, Uranus/Neptune semi-square will come in effect in mid-October. As a result of these planetary movements, the number of daily new cases will rise from September through mid-November. Fortunately, this rise will not be as steep as in March-April. Most likely, the highest number of the cases will be registered on or close to November 16 under Venus/Jupiter square. 

The Number of Daily New Cases in November 2020-April 2021

Starting from mid-November though mid-January, the number of daily new cases will slowly decline. Then, this decline will become steep, and the pandemic will end in most of the world by April. Here is why:

In mid-October, Saturn will start moving away from its conjunction to Pluto, and Jupiter will do the same in mid-November. By December, the influence of the triple conjunction will significantly diminish. Unfortunately, the J/S/Pcomponent of our formula will not go to zero due to Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on December 31, 2020. Meanwhile, Uranus and Neptune will be moving towards their last semi-square in March, so U/N components of our formula will be rising. So, one component of the formula, J/S/P, will be declining rapidly, while another, U/N, rising slowly. This will result in a slow decline of the number of daily new cases from mid-November through beginning of January.  Fortunately, the decline will become very steep on or close to January 10, 2021, when Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction, and this conjunction will be in semi-square to Neptune and in square to Mars. By April, all the planetary aspects that have caused this pandemic will no longer be in effect, and this pandemic will end in most of the world. In some countries however, including the U.S., it may linger longer. To read more, log on Coronavirus in the U.S., An Astrological Forecast.


Future is predictable, but never in all details. Even with the best methodology of prediction, the future will always surprise and astonish us. All forecasts require updating as more data becomes available. Therefore, the author shall have neither liability nor responsibility if the future events will not take place exactly as predicted. 


Future is predictable, but never in all details. Even with the best methodology of prediction, the future will always surprise and astonish us. All forecasts require updating as more data becomes available. Therefore, the author shall have neither liability nor responsibility if the future events will not take place exactly as predicted. 

On a Positive Note

The coronavirus pandemic started during Saturn/Pluto conjunction, the very beginning of the new Saturn/Pluto cycle (2020-53). Such conjunctions occur only once in 33-40 years and last for a year while marking dramatic and positive transformations worldwide. In spite of coronavirus—or maybe because of it—this Saturn/Pluto conjunction will renew our world. Our economy, trade, international relations, healthcare, entertainment and travel will never be the same. Instead, they will be better. So, “Do not let this crisis go to waste.” Now, is a great opportunity to make your life anew! Do not delay changing your life and use this opportunity wisely! This is especially true for those with the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant from 22° through 27° of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and/or Libra, and/or from 7° through 12° of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and/or Virgo. To read about how an astrological analysis can help you to adapt to theses inevitable and irreversible changes, log on in a new tab).

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