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How to Deal With Income Inequality

Let me start with an obvious fact: Most economists and politicians agree that income inequality between the super wealthy and the rest of the world is growing. The wealth of the top one percent of the population has become greater than that of the lower 90 percent combined, according to Ray Dalio, (Why and How Capitalism Needs […]

Who Rules the World Really?

The political football has become very entertaining these days. With the widespread use of social media under Uranus/Pluto Square in 2011-15, even the most outrageous political pronouncements create a huge response on Facebook and Twitter, providing politicians with the hope of instant fame, infamy, or both. The more outrageous the statement, the greater the publicity. […]

Formulae of Impeachment

Already during his election campaign, Donald Trump achieved unprecedent degree of notoriety. As of 2019, millions love him, hundreds of millions like him, while billions fluctuate from mild dislike to outright hate. His presidency is the most controversial ever in U.S. history, and a great number of Americans passionately desire to impeach him. Will President […]

Rigged Economy

The U.S. economic expansion in 2017 and most of 2018 was truly remarkable, even though the influence of Uranus/Neptune semi-square, which commenced in June 2016, brought about economic problems in many areas of the globe, including many nations of the EU, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Venezuela and China. Why wasn’t the U.S. economy affected […]

Planetary Influences in 2019

This article has been written primarily for professional astrologers and might be too technical for some of my readers. If this is your case, go to U.S. Economy in 2019. In 2017-18, the harmonious aspects between Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus overpowered the stressful influence of Uranus/Neptune semi-square. As a result, all major world economies […]

Planetary Influences in 2017-18

This article has been written primarily for professional astrologers and might be too technical for some of my readers. If this is your case, go to U.S. Economy in 2019. Uranus/Neptune Semi-Square Uranus and Neptune entered their semi-square (45°) in June 2016 and will remain in or within 3° of this semi-square most of time […]

September 2018 Update

Following more than two years of labor, my new book, Impeachment or not? Future of Trump’s Presidency: An Astrological Forecast, is available on my website,, and Meanwhile, Dorrance Publishing is considering my book for publication.To determine whether or not President Trump will ever be impeached, I thoroughly analyzed 19 astrological charts, including […]

May 2018 Update

Here is my astrological forecast on how some of the current political and economic events may evolve in the future. Gloom without Doom This is what I posted in my article, Post Election Syndrome, on December 6, 2016: “In reality, this planetary aspect (Uranus/Neptune semi-square-45°) cannot produce any great disaster.” “It can only invoke in […]

A Military Confrontation with Russia over Syria?

A military confrontation with Russia over the Syrian regime alleged use of chemical weapons will not take place, and here is why: Since the summer of 2016, we have been under the influence of Uranus/Neptune semi-square (45°). As I have written previously, “…its influence is all smoke and mirrors… It can only create a sense […]

2018: Economic-Political-Social Forecast

To all my readers, students, colleagues, family and friends, I wish you a wonderful year full of excitement and accomplishments. May you always remember that “Your successes and failures in the next year will depend entirely on the choices you make dealing with the challenges of your own Karma reflected in your astrological chart, and […]

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